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As A Result Of Using A Blackberry‬

The Lholho'X
1. Often in the horn of others, until the recommended plug behind the car sticker "please be patient, BlackBerry users".

2. CHAPTER time become more time. And it was empty but still seated.

3. Her side waiting for the couple as BB in hand. Pursue targets spent reading email.

4. Smiling like myself.

5. Not working concentration.

6. Wake up the first morning had sought BB and nothing else.

7. So rarely angry but so often the boss yelled at because of talk disconnected.

8. If in a public place like the frantic search for outlets. Batrey out.

9. Often forget to press the elevator button. Should rise even down. Not to mention the wrong floor.

10. If the queue at the bank wearing a queue number, when called on the speakers did not hear. Surprised when he saw the monitor. Waks! Should take the queue again. But stay calm.

11. Newspaper and magazine subscriptions were still stacked neatly unreadable.

12. Often collide, because if the way his eyes fixed on the screen BB.

13. Make hand was never empty. Although no chat, BB still in hand! Can not be put in the bag the bag .. It's setting so. BB stuck on the hands.

14. If you missed the wallet does not panic, miss critical blackberries.

15. Asked the number identity, directly mention pin.

16. Want to sleep, change the status of fuel: sleep ah.

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