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Dayak Vs. Pilot

The Lholho'X
Lucu ~ Dayak Vs. Pilot
Dayak Vs. Pilot
Once the 2nd world war: three Dutch aircraft crashed in Borneo. The last 3 Itupun pilot held hostage by local residents who turned out to be cannibals Dayak people. Knowing this, 3rd pilots who fear that begging not to be killed. So the local chiefs said, If you all still want to live, you must go to the forest and bring back 10 pieces of the same type. But you only get 3 hours! Third rapidly Itupun pilot finally ran into the woods to look for fruit.

After 2 hours the pilot to 1 was eventually brought 10 apples.

Chief: Well you have brought 10 apples. Now enter all the apple through the hole you ass one by one. If you groan, or make a sound, you'll cut me a satay! Slowly the pilot tried to enter the first apple without a whimper. With full of struggle and resistance of apple to the end he could enter 1. But the apple of the 2 he could not resist pain, and as she moaned.‬ With the brutal beheading chief pilot. So take it to heaven.

The second pilot brought fruit kelengkeng 10. And chiefs gave the same instructions to the pilot. In my heart, if kelengkeng's easy!? And it was true. One kelengkeng entered, two kelengkeng, three litchi, but at the time that he entered into the 10 kelengkeng the chief abruptly cut off his head. When the pilot to 2 up to heaven he met with the pilot-1.

Pilot2: Well you die too?

Pilot1: Yeah I'll take the apple. It hurts! I wanted to kill the chief, the conditions really heavy! Keep what you bring fruit?

Pilot2: klengkeng.

Pilot1: Kelengkeng? It's easy, small, does not hurt anymore!

Pilot2: it is true. All kelengkeng almost I put all into the pit bottom. But yes it was, suddenly I laughed and all kelengkeng that I've put out all?

Pilot1: Stupid you! Instead laugh?

Pilot2: fit to enter up to 10 kelengkeng I saw the Pilot-3 carrying durian ..??


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