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The Lholho'X

Rp 20.000 an look so great when a charity box was taken to the mosque, but so small when we take it to the mall?


45 minutes seemed too long for dhikr, but how short the time for league matches Italy?


how long is 2 hours in the mosque, but how quickly the time passed 2 hours enjoying the film at the cinema?


difficult for a way with words uttered during prayer or prayer, but how easy it is for the subject when met a friend


what he called an extension of time in our favorite football game, but how bored when priests pray Tarawih Ramadan readings over time?


really hard to read Al-Quran 1 juz course, but novels best-sellers was up 100 pages engulfed?


the people at the next scramble to watch the ball or concert but scrambled for the back row when Friday prayers in order to quickly get out?


we need invitations 3-4 weeks earlier study to be prepared on our agenda, but for other events we schedule easily changed at once?


invites the participation of hard to propaganda, but easy to spread rumors of people participate?


we so believe in the said newspaper, but we often wonder what the al qur'an says?


how everyone wanted to heaven, but it was hard to behave honestly and khusyu 'worship, let alone behave sincere and devoted?


how so many people shy / scared of bosses, officials, and the "large" other, but so many people are ignorant to the Ar Raqiib?


we can send thousands of jokes through email, but when the send-related worship often have to think two-times?


And glad tidings to the people you? Min for those that truly great gift from God.? (Qur'an 33:4)


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